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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Construction Zone

I recently made my block area into a construction zone.
I put caution tape all over the walls, added photos of real buildings and bridges for the children to look at and added photos of buildings for them to copy using blocks. I like having a wall in the block area because i think it's easier for the children to build their buildings higher if they can lean against a wall. Since moving the area we have had a lot less fighting because there is more space.
I also added some tools, tape measures, construction hats, rocks and diggers to please my boys!

Winter Fun

I'm always looking for new things to keep our kids busy in the winter.
This year i decided to make a play house for our reading center. We had been advised by Project Star (an awesome resource in our area for behavioral and developmental screening) to have a quite zone for a few of our more "rowdy" boys to go when they need some alone time.
I decided that a gingerbread house was a perfect idea and we could keep it up all winter.
I pre- cut a door hole in the box and put a roof on the top using extra box pieces. (i left the front of the roof open so that i could see inside easily)
The children painted the box brown on the first day
Then on the second day they decorated candies to add to the house. I let them glue them wherever they wanted.
We also made frosting out of white paper and i added a white table cloth (bunched and stapled) to the roof to look like snow.
The candy cane is made from a wrapping paper tube.
It turned out great and the children love to go inside and read stories. It's been 2 months and the house is still in great shape :)

Winnie the Pooh Day (Jan 18th)

I love celebrating Winnie the Pooh Day!
We read tons of Pooh books and even learn about A.A. Milne.
This Winnie the Pooh day the children all brought in a Pooh character for our teddy bear picnic. I layed out a blanket with plenty of play food for the animals and we all had an inside picnic.

We served teddy grahams and Pooh Bear apple juice for a snack

We made honey bread in the shape of Pooh.
(Mix and roll out bread dough in honey and form in the shape of a bear)

We also had Winnie the Pooh music (from the library) Winnie the Pooh puzzles, Winnie the Pooh memory match and of course Winnie the Pooh coloring pages :)