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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Letter of the week PQRST

Every week we study a new letter. I try to plan as many activities that start with that letter as possible!
These are some of the activies we do, as well as letter worksheets and letter stories.
Letter P
We use those cute little popsicle makers (for the dollar store) to make our own popsicles. I have a variety of juices available and some lemonade. The children can make whichever flavors they like...freeze them and enjoy!!
Yogurt works great too

Always a favorite and i love it because it can be changed to match any theme.
Bounce leaves, bounce bears, bounce flowers....whatever you like

Read Bennies Pennies (awesome book)
Clean Pennies - we test which works better Vinegar vs soap vs coke vs ketchup (ketchup wins)

Letter Q
Pre-cut felt squares and allow children to decorate, using fabric markers, photos, handprints etc. String the pieces together and create a one of a kind preschool quilt

Letter R
Race cars
Pull out the hot wheels and car ramp
Meausre how far your race care went

Encourage children to create their own ramps using flat blocks.

For a recyling theme we create art out of donated items (yarn, plastic bottles, foil, boxes etc.) Usually we create a big "Recycle Robot" for our science area.
Recycling is a great way to teach classification. I print out kid friendly recycling icons for plastic bins in our room and then bring in a variety of items for the children to sort.

We also sort through all of our old broken crayons and recycle them into new crayons. Seperate them by color to make solid color crayons or (for more fun) mix up the colors to create rainbow crayons!
Put them in muffin tins and cook them in the oven. (these crayons work great for rubbing projects)

Letter S
A classroom favorite!
In the sensory table i provide cornstarch and green water. I allow children to mix these together to create their own slime ( sometimes i make glowing slime by soaking highlighter tips in water over night and use the glowing water for the slime)

Letter T

Tye Dye
Our kids love Tye dying... we ask parents to bring in a plain tshirt about a week before hand. I help the children wrap marbles in their tshirts and cover with rubber bands. You really can't go wrong with tye dye...any pattern looks great

I bought one of those cheap tornado connectors from the teacher store. It's really simple and always a hit. We keep one in our science area all the time, but we make extra tornados for letter T day!

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